Financial Advisor to
a provider of marine defense solutions
on the dispute with a former cooperation partner
Provided economic analysis and valuation services in connection with the arbitration proceedings under DIS rules
Our success speaks for itself. For more than 10 years, renowned customers from a wide variety of industries have been convinced by ValueTrust. They trust us and our solution-oriented, independent and partnership-based financial advice.
Our senior personnel and employees have gained experience during the course of their careers for ValueTrust and other employers in the following projects:
Strategic Value &
Portfolio Management
Dispute &
Restructuring &
Adopt new
IPO Advisory
Financial Advisor to
in the context of its initial public offering
Provided IPO and exit readiness advice to the CFO and management of HENSOLDT throughout all IPO phases
Carve-out Advisory
Lead Carve-out Advisor to
on the carve-out and sale of its Swiss tower business (Swiss Towers AG)
Provided feasibility assessment of the transaction and provided project management services throughout the carve-out phase
Management Equity Program
Financial Advisor to
on the implementation of a MEP at
Provided valuation services for tax purposes
Value Management
Financial Advisor to
on the assessment of its value-based management system and target setting
Provided a review of the current value-based management system and target setting based on CFROI
Value Management
Financial Advisor to
on the introduction of a new license management tool
Provided analysis, validation and implementation of a complex, inter-divisional license management tool
Value Management
Financial Advisor to
on the development of a value-based controlling concept
Provided development of concepts for business planning and target setting
Value Management
Financial Advisor to
on the development of a value-based controlling concept
Provided development of concepts for spending guidelines and investment controlling
Value Management
Financial Advisor to
on the development of a value-based controlling concept
Provided development for spending guidelines and investment controlling
Value Management
Financial Advisor to
on the development of a value-based controlling concept
Provided development of a value-based concept for target setting
Strategic Value Analysis
Financial Advisor to
on the evaluation of strategic options regarding a joint venture
Provided company and business plan analysis as well as valuation services
Strategic Value Analysis
Financial Advisor to
on the evaluation of its strategic options regarding a business unit
Provided company and business plan analysis as well as valuation services
Strategic Value Analysis
Financial Advisor to
on the evaluation of a strategic option for
Provided valuation analysis in connection with the proposed transaction
Strategic Value Analysis
Financial Advisor to
on the valuation of programming assets
Provided strategic valuation advisory on programming assets
Cost of Capital Analysis
Independent expert to
on the conceptual derivation of the cost of capital with regard to
Provided financial advice related to the evaluation of strategic options
Cost of Capital Analysis
Financial Advisor to
on the optimisation of the capital structure
Provided analysis of the implications of a potential special dividend on cost of capital, company rating and financial as well as solvency ratios
Cost of Capital Analysis
Financial Advisor to
on the analysis of their controlling concept
Provided a review of cost of capital and capital employed
Cost of Capital Analysis
Financial Advisor to
on the analysis of their controlling concept
Provided a review of cost of capital and capital employed
CFO Advisory
Financial Advisor to
on the business planning and the evaluation of strategic options
Provided strategic value analysis
Financial Restructuring Valuation
Financial Advisor to
on the financial restructuring
Provided valuation services acc. to IDW S 1
in connection with dept-to-equity swaps
Financial Restructuring Valuation
Financial Advisor to
on the financial restructuring by way of insolvency plan as debtor in possession
Provided valuation services acc. to
Financial Restructuring Valuation
Financial Advisor to
on the financial restructuring by way of insolvency plan as debtor in possession
Provided valuation services in connection with a debt-to-equity swap
Financial Restructuring Valuation
Financial Advisor to
on the financial restructuring by way of insolvency plan as debtor in possession
Provided valuation services acc. to IDW S1 and required business planning in connection with a debt-to-equity swap.
Financial Restructuring Valuation
Financial Advisor to
on the financial restructuring
Provided valuation services in connection with a debt-to-equity swap
Financial Restructuring Valuation
Financial Advisor to
on the financial restructuring of
Provided valuation services in connection with the restructuring
Financial Restructuring Valuation
Financial Advisor to
Senior & Mezzanine Lending Committees
on the financial restructuring of
Provided valuation services in connection with the restructuring
Financial Restructuring Valuation
Financial Advisor to
the Mezzanine Lenders
on the financial restructuring of
Provided valuation services in connection with the restructuring
Financial Restructuring Valuation
Financial Advisor to
on the financial reorganisation
Provided valuation services in connection with the reorganisation
Financial Restructuring Valuation
Financial Advisor to
on the financial restructuring of
Provided valuation services in connection with a debt-to-equity swap
Carve-out Advisory
Lead Financial Advisor to
on the carve-out and the intended sale of the German tower business
Provided support of the project management office and coordination of the carve-out process
Carve-out Valuation
Financial Advisor to
on the carve-out of IVG’s Institutional Funds business and IVG’s Caverns business
Provided valuation services acc. to IDW S1 and DVFA
Carve-out Valuation
Financial Advisor to
on the spin-off of
Provided valuation services acc. to IDW S1
Tax Valuation
Financial Advisor to
on the acquisition of
Provided a valuation analysis to determine hidden reserves of selected group entities
Tax Valuation
Financial Advisor to
on the integration of German Schering-Plough entities
Provided valuation services acc. to IDW S1 in connection with the integration
Tax Valuation
Financial Advisor to
on the internal reorganisation
Performed a company valuation acc. to IDW S1 for a subsidiary for tax purposes
Tax Valuation
Financial Advisor to
on the acquisition of
Provided valuation services for tax purposes
Tax Valuation
Financial Advisor to
on the reorganisation of
GE Water Technologies
Deutschland GmbH
Provided valuation services in connection with the reorganisation
Tax Valuation
Financial Advisor to
on the internal reorganisation of its European group structure for tax purposes
Provided valuation services acc. to IDW S1 in connection with the reorganisation
Tax Valuation
Financial Advisor to
on the merger with
Provided company valuations acc. to IDW S1
Fairness Opinion
Financial Advisor to
on the proposed restructuring of certain equity and debt instruments
Provided a fairness opinion in connection with the recapitalization
Fairness Opinion
Financial Advisor to
on the acquisition of its remaining shares through Sun European Partners, LLP following the restructuring of its parent company
Provided a fairness opinion in connection with the transaction
Fairness Opinion
Financial Advisor to
on the recapitalization of
Provided a fairness opinion on the related-party transaction
Valuation Advisory
Financial Advisor to
on the acquisition of
Provided a valuation memorandum in connection with the contribution in kind in acc. with IPEV guidelines
Sell-side Advisory
Exclusive Financial Advisor to on its strategic partnership with and voluntary public takeover offer by
Announced: 2022
Value: EUR 0.4 bn
Fairness Opinion
Financial Advisor to on the sale of its European and US businesses to
Announced: 2022
Value: n/a
Sell-side Advisory
Exclusive Financial Advisor toon the strategic review of CANCOM UK&I to
Announced: 2021
Value: EUR 0.4 bn
Fairness Opinion
Financial Advisor toin the context of its
public takeover offer by
Provided a Fairness Opinion to
Management Board in connection with
the joint statement acc. to sec. 27 WpÜG
Fairness Opinion
Financial Advisor toin context of merging the development activities of certain biosimilar assets with
Provided a fairness opinion in the context of Formycon´s capital increase by contribution in kind and issuance of new shares
Fairness Opinion
Financial Advisor to
on the sale of its WCS unit
Leoni Schweiz AG
to a consortium of buyers
Provided a fairness opinion to the Board of
Directors of Leoni AG in accordance with
DVFA Standards
Fairness Opinion
Financial Advisor toon the acquisition of
Provided a Fairness Opinion
on the adequacy of the exchange ratio
offered for Lavego shares
Public Takeover
Independent Expert (OFAC clause) to
Warwick Holding GmbH, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of funds advised by
on the course of the public zake over of
Provided independent assessment regarding the occurrence of the closing condition “OFAC Sanctioned Party Compliance”
Fairness Opinion
Independent Advisor to
on the voluntary public
takeover offer by
Provided an independent public fairness opinion in accordance with the requirements of the Swiss Takeover Board
Fairness Opinion
Financial Advisor to
on the sale of its key real estate projects and the associated platform to
Provided a fairness opinion in connection with the transaction
Fairness Opinion
Financial Advisor to
in the context of its EUR 1.1 bn public takeover by
Provided a fairness opinion to the executive and supervisory board in connection with the joint statement acc. to sec. 27 WpÜG
Fairness Opinion
Financial Advisor to
on the global assignment and co-development agreement with
Provided fairness opinion services in connection with the transaction
Fairness Opinion
Financial Advisor to
the management board of Telefónica Deutschland
on the carve-out and sale of wireless towers to Telxius Telecom S.A.
Provided a fairness opinion and assistance to the project management office
Fairness Opinion
Dependent Valuation Expert to
on the proposed public tender offer by
Provided fairness opinion services in connection with the proposed offer acc. to Belgian takeover law
Fairness Opinion
Financial Advisor to
on the acquisition of
Provided a fairness opinion in connection with the transaction
Fairness Opinion
Financial Advisor to
on the acquisition of
Provided a fairness opinion in connection with the transaction
Fairness Opinion
Financial Advisor to
on the public tender offer by
Provided a fairness opinion to executive and supervisory board in connection with the joint statement acc. to sec. 27 WpÜG
Fairness Opinion
Financial Advisor to
on the recapitalization of
Provided a fairness opinion in connection with the transaction
Fairness Opinion
Independent Valuation Expert to
on the acquisition of a portfolio of about 1.100 residential units in core markets
Provided a fairness opinion in connection with the transaction
Fairness Opinion
Financial Advisor to
on the proposed transaction
Provided a fairness opinion in connection with the transaction
Buy-Side Advisory
Financial Advisor to
SOSTNT Luxembourg S.à r.l.
on the acquisition ofshares in
Provided buy-side services in connection with the acquisition
Buy-Side Advisory
Financial Advisor to
Thursday Holding Ltd.
on the acquisition of 74.9% in
Provided buy-side services in connection with the acquisition
Buy-Side Advisory
Financial Advisor to
on the proposed acquisition of a Malaysian rubber company
Provided valuation services in connection with the proposed acquisition
Buy-Side Advisory
Financial Advisor to
on the acquisition of
Provided company valuation and due diligence services
Buy-Side Advisory
Financial Advisor to
an investor
on the acquisition of a share in
Provided business plan review and SPA advise
Buy-Side Advisory
Financial Advisor to
on the acquisition of
Provided company valuation and due diligence services
Buy-Side Advisory
Financial Advisor to
on the proposed acquisitions within the renewable energy industry
Provided company and business plan analysis as well as valuation services
Buy-Side Advisory
Financial Advisor to
on the acquisition of
Provided strategic value advice and risk assessment
Domination and Profit or Loss Transfer Agreement
Financial Advisor to
on the DPLTA between Nidda Healthcare GmbH and STADA Arzneimittel AG
Provided IDW S1 valuation and determined reasonable bandwidths for the compensation and the recurring compensation payment
Domination and Profit or Loss Transfer Agreement
Financial Advisor to
on the DPLTA between Nidda Healthcare GmbH and STADA Arzneimittel AG
Provided IDW S1 valuation and determined reasonable bandwidths for the compensation and the recurring compensation payment
Domination and Profit or Loss Transfer Agreement
Financial Advisor to
on the DPLTA between Nidda Healthcare GmbH and STADA Arzneimittel AG
Provided IDW S1 valuation and determined reasonable bandwidths for the compensation and the recurring compensation payment
Valuation Opinion
Financial Advisor to
on the proposed transaction between Clariant AG and Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC)
Provided a valuation opinion in connection with the proposed transaction
Valuation Opinion
Financial Advisor to
on the proposed non-cash capital increase in kind
Provided an IDW S 1 valuation and determined a range for the reasonable compensation (exchange ratio)
Valuation Opinion
Valuation expert to the management board of
on the acqusition of
Provided a valuation opinion in connection with the contribution in kind and assessed the appropriateness of the proposed exchange ratio
Domination Agreement
Financial Advisor to
on the domination agreement with
Provided an IDW S1 valuation and assessed the reasonableness of the determined compensation in TLG shares and the guaranteed dividend
Domination Agreement
Financial Advisor to
on the domination and profit and loss transfer agreement with
SAG Beteiligungs GmbH
Provided advice to the management in connection with the company valuation acc. to IDW S1 as well as with the preparation of the AGM
Merger Valuation
Financial Advisor to
Nordenia Holdings AG, now Mondi
on the acquisition of
Provided an IDW S1 valuation and determined the cash compensation
Financial Advisor to
Nidda Healthcare GmbH
on the squeeze-out of the minority shareholder of
Provided IDW S 1 and DVFA valuations and determined reasonable bandwidths for the cash compensation
Financial Advisor to
on the squeeze-out of the minority shareholder of
Provided a valuation according to IDW S 1 and determined the cash compensation
Financial Advisor to
Concrete Holding I
on the squeeze-out of
Provided a valuation according to DVFA recommendations as well as IDW S 1 and determined the cash compensation
Financial Advisor to
on the acquisition of
Provided an IDW S1 valuation and determined the cash compensation
Impairment Testing
Financial Advisor to
on the impairment testing
Provided financial review services for impairment testing
Impairment Testing
Financial Advisor to
on the impairment testing processes and tools
Provided advice to the accounting department regarding impairment testing topics acc. to IFRS and HGB
Impairment Testing
Financial Advisor to
on the impairment testing processes and structures
Provided development and implemented a impairment testing process and tools
JV Valuation & Purchase Price Allocation
Financial Advisor to
on the merger of their Orange UK and T-Mobile UK activities into a joint venture
Provided valuation services in connection with the transaction
JV Valuation & Purchase Price Allocation
Financial Advisor to
on the merger of their Orange UK and T-Mobile UK activities into a joint venture
Provided valuation services in connection with the transaction
Purchase Price Allocation and Impairment Testing
Financial Advisor to
on the purchase price allocation and its annual impairment testing process
Provided valuation services to the management of Hensoldt and developed and implemented impairment testing processes and tools
Purchase Price Allocation
Financial Advisor to
on various acquisitions
Provided valuation services in connection with the transaction
Minimum Value Certification
Financial Advisor to
on the acquisition of
Provided a conduct formation audit in acc. with German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and issued minimum value certification
Minimum Value Certification
Financial Advisor to
on the financial restructuring by way of insolvency plan as debtor in possession
Provided minimum value certifications for 31 legal entities